Check Out this Odd Pyramid in Aguada

The Pyramid of Aguada (or Piramide de Aguada, in Spanish) is one of those things that are not a must-see, but it keep popping up on social media sites. It fun to check out if you are in the area. The owner of this property (Nelson Ruiz) was so inspired by the Mayan pyramids, that he decided to create a small replica on his property. The property is just off the main road in Aguada, so it is easy to get to. It is a very easy, quick stop to enjoy on your way to other sites in the area.

Aguada Pyramid

Located just off the main road (Road 115) in Aguada (a small town on the west side of Puerto Rico), this site is easy to get to. Mr Ruiz has opened his property for everyone to come and look, enjoy, take photos, but he asks that you do not climb on the pyramid.

The pyramid is about 20-feet tall, and was created as a replica of the Mayan pyramids in Mexico. In addition to the pyramid, there is a cannon and cannon balls, a mural, and a little farm with horses and a few other animals.

Aguada Pyramid


There is no cost to go here.

It is generally open every day from 7am to 4pm. If the chain across the drive is up, then they request that you don’t enter. If the chain is down, then you are welcome to go in.

It is a family home, and they request that you keep it clean and that you respect their property.

There is room to park, and they welcome people to walk around and enjoy the pyramid.

The pyramid is located on Road 411, just a short distance south of Road 115 in Aguada.

Click on a placename below to view the location on Google Maps ...

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