Jayuya Charcos: La Peseta, El Pescao and El Marin

Jayuya is a beautiful town, located in the central mountainous region of Puerto Rico. Getting there requires driving on some of the curviest roads on the island (pot holes too)! But there is so much to do there, it is a worthwhile endeavor. While in the town, we had a few minutes to check out some pretty waterfalls and pools in the Caricaboa River (though some people say it is in Río Veguita). Someone made a nice path down to the river, where you will find a set of beautiful Charcas: La Peseta, El Pescao and El Marin. So pretty – they are definitely worth a visit.

Jayuya Rio Caricaboa

We parked on the side of the road PR 527, just below the school (Escuela Miguel A Sastre Oliver), and walked down until we found the trailhead. Honestly, before we found the real trail, we made our own way down the steep bank to the river and got to La Peseta, and then walked along the rocks down to El Pescao. It was tough going.

When we we got back to the road, we walked down a bit further and found a beautiful trail! We took that down and it comes out just below El Pescao and just above El Marin – so you can walk up or down river (some trails, some rock scrambling) to get to the charco you want to see. Not doable for everyone, but with some effort, most people could probably do it.

Jayuya Rio Caricaboa

They all have some pretty waterfall or cascades that drop into pools. Supposedly, they are named after their shapes: La Pesata is round like a coin, and El Pescao is fish-shaped. I am not sure what Charco El Marin looks like, but there were are some pretty fish in it. The water is crystal clear, but there are plenty of houses up-river from this area, so I can’t guarantee the purity of the water, but I know that plenty of people play in it without issue.

The location is currently (December 2022) marked incorrectly in Google Maps, and it says it is “closed”. I am ot sure what is up with that! But it is a river, so you can go. It is alays open. Just be careful with the weather, and water current/level. And please keep it clean!

There are lots of things to do in the town of Jayuya. Check some of our other posts for more things to do in Jayuya.


Visit this area during daylight hours. Leave enough time to get back to your car before dark.

As always, be careful when playing in rivers. Keep an eye on the water level and current of the water.

Park on the side of Road 527, near the school.

Click on a placename below to view the location on Google Maps ...

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