Top 10 Natural Wonders of Puerto Rico

Isla Caja de Muertos

Some people spend a lot of time and money coming to visit Puerto Rico and explore its natural beauty. But did you ever wonder what local folks feel are the most beautiful places to visit on the island? Let us introduce you to some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring spots in Puerto Rico!

In 2010, L’Oréal Caribe-Garnier and the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources (along with help from Walmart, Sam’s and Amigo Supermarket) held a contest for people to pick their top 10 Natural Wonders out of a list of 19 pre-selected places.

After almost 100,000 votes, the results are …

San Cristobal Canyon

What 9 Places Didn’t Make the Cut?

There were 9 other places that were candidates for the Top 10 Natural Wonders. Those other places are …

North Coast of PR

El Yunque National Forest

In my opinion, the results of the contest are a bit skewed. I think that people just voted for places that they had heard were great.

I know that most Puerto Ricans don’t get out to explore the lesser-known places on the island. And I know that many people have never had the opportunity to visit some of the places that won (for example, it’s next to impossible for your average person to get to Mona Island).

But these lists should give you a good idea of where you can begin looking for Puerto Rico’s natural wonders.

Gwenn & Ray’s Top Natural Wonders in Puerto Rico

Ray and I have our own Top 10 list of natural wonders, based on places we have visited on the island. We feel that these are the most beautiful and awe-inspiring spots on the island. This list may change over time (as we explore more of the island), but as of September 2011 our list is …

Cueva Ventana

A bonus wonder is star-gazing from any dark location on the island … simply amazing!

What are your top natural wonders in Puerto Rico?

Let us know in the Comments section below.

Cabo Rojo

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